DTG Audit & Assurance B.V. is a North Holland accountancy firm that focuses primarily on performing statutory annual audits.
The four chartered accountants involved have extensive experience, gained at renowned firms. DTG is based in Zwaag.
DTG Accountants & Adviseurs offers personalised guidance in accountancy, (payroll) administration, tax matters and consultancy. DTG also offers full-service guidance in setting up your operations in the Netherlands or the EU.
Our clients are mainly entrepreneurs in medium-sized and large companies. What characterises these clients is their no-nonsense way of doing business. This fits in perfectly with DTG’s accountancy services. We work according to the same principles of transparency and no nonsense.
With us, you have one or at most two contact persons. People who understand your business and know what needs to be done. So you will always deal with the same people and therefore always sit across the table from the same faces.
This way, you build a relationship of mutual trust with our accountants that is in your best interest. This close relationship also ensures that we always look for the most effective and creative solution for your business.
DTG distinguishes itself from its fellow firms by: